

Tofu a la parrilla , tomate, rucula, aguacate y lechuga con salsa satay

Grilled tofu, tomato, rocket leaves, avocado and lettuce with satay sauce


Calabacin, pimiento, asparagus , berenjena, cebolla caramelizada con salsa barbacoa

Zucchini, peppers, asparagus, aubergine, caramelized onion with barbeque sauce


Judía verde , esparrago , pepinillo, espinaca, rucula y lechuga con salsa veganesa y salsa tomate

Green bean, fermented cucumbers, spinach, rocket leaves and lettuce with veganesa and tomato sauce


Boniato frito, patata chips casero, lechuga, tomate y cebolla caramelizada con salsa agave sirope

Fried sweet potato, homemade potato chips, lettuce, tomato and caramelized onion with agave syrup sauce